How to Earn Money by Writing Short Stories 2021

How to Earn Money by Writing Short Stories 2021

Blogging comes at first when we talk about making money online. But most of the blogs are mainly based on niches like health, fitness, online marketing, etc. But all of these niches need tremendous knowledge and experience, which is not possible for every writer.

What about if I say you can still make money with your writing just by creating short stories? Yes! Short stories. With this, you can make big bucks for your living.

Talking about making money with short stories, let’s look at all of the given options in this blog post.

What Exactly Are Short Stories?

A short story is a complete story which shorter than the stories published in a novel. These short stories can be easily read and completed within just a single sitting.

Short stories focus basically on the incidents that are bigger or smaller. Even more, it tries to evoke strong feelings from its readers. Sometimes short stories might also consist of a few characters in the plot.

Features of a Short StoryFeatures of a Short Story

It is a short narrative-type story and consists of features and literature tools, like exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and resolution. It doesn’t seem necessary that all of the short stories must follow these of the given same patterns.

Due to its shorter length, a short story usually focuses on one plot, one main character (along with a few additional minor characters sometimes). But keep in mind that it has only one central theme, whereas a novel can tackle multiple plots and themes with various main characters.

How Writing Short Stories Make Money?

Most of the websites that publish short stories make money by showing ads to their audience. Also, some may introduce a paid subscription plan for their audience.

It may be seen as some of the short stories publishing websites sell their own products while some websites earn money by selling eBooks on their website with exclusive short stories which are not available on their website

How To Earn Money By Writing Short Stories –

6 Ways How To Earn Money By Writing Short Stories

If you are in a hurry, here’s the summary. Below, we will be talking about

Amazon Kindle
Starting your own blog
Publishing on Medium
Publishing on AGNI
Publishing on Analog
Publishing on Sun Magazine
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