JKPSC Assistant Registrar Cooperative Answer Key PDF Download 2021
Conduct of Written Examination for the post of Assistant
Registrar Cooperatives – 2021-Provisional Answer Key.
In pursuance of rule 12B of the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission
Conduct of Examination Rules, 2005, as amended upto date, the provisional key of
Question Paper pertaining to the Written Examination for the post of Assistant
Registrar Cooperatives -2021 held today on 12/12/2021 (in one session), is hereby
notified for seeking the objections from candidates.
If any candidate feels that the key to any of the question/s is/are wrong, he/she
may represent on prescribed format/proforma annexed as annexure-A along with the documentary proof/evidence and fee of Rs.500/- (in the form of demand draft per question (refundable in case of genuine/correct representation to the controller of Examinations, Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission, within a period of three days from the date of its publication.
The commission shall not entertain any such representation [s) after the expiry of
the stipulated period i.e. after 15/12/2021 Wednesday), 5pm