JKSSB debars a candidate for 1 year over fraud namely Arti Bhagat D/O Hans Raj Bhagat

JKSSB debars a candidate for 1 year over fraud namely Arti Bhagat D/O Hans Raj Bhagat

JKSSB Cancels candidature of one candidate namely Ankita Bhagat for doing fraud with the recruiting agency, The notification released by JKSSB Read:

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board invited the application forms for filling up the posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, Cashier, Jr. Assistant/Computer-cum-Jr. Assistant/Clerk/Store Attendant and Welfare Organizer, UT, Divisional and various District Cadres under direct recruitment and;
Whereas, among the applicants, one candidate namely Ankita Bhagat D/o Sh. Hans Raj Bhagat had applied for these posts with two different credentials; once in the name of Ankita Bhagat (for Advertisement Notification Nos. 04 of 2020 & 01 of 2021) and the other as Miss Ankita Bhagat (under Advertisement Notification Nos. 02 of 2021 & 03 of 2021).

Whereas, two Roll Numbers were issued to the said candidate for the same examination due to difference in the name viz; Roll No.4000653 (under Advertisement Nos. 04 of 2020 & 01 of 2021 in the name of the candidate as Ankita Bhagat) and Roll No.4002824 (under Advertisement Nos. 02 of 2021 & 03 of 2021 in the name of the candidate as Miss Ankita Bhagat).

“The Board after the detailed deliberations noted that in terms of Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (Conduct of Examinations) Regulations, 2013, Part XXV- Unfair Means, Section 27 (e), the Candidate resorted to unfair means as she furnished incorrect information regarding her name in two different application forms and then obtained admission/appeared twice in the said examination based on two different Admit cards for which only Single Computer Based Written Test was to be conducted.

Accordingly, Board decided to fail the said candidate in the examination for submitting false information on the basis of which she had appeared twice for the said examination inspite of having full knowledge that the candidate had to appear only once for the said examination for the post of Junior Assistants etc conducted in CBT mode.

Further, Board decided that in order to keep check and deterrence on candidates that no such activities occurs in future, the said candidate be debarred from appearing in any examination conducted by JKSSB for a period of one year from the date of the occurrence of the said incident(offence) i.e. 24.01.2022. The candidate shall be treated as ‘Fail’ in any examination where she appeared during this period”.

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