JKSSB Exam Dates will Be Announced Within 15 Days: LG Manoj Sinha

Today hon'able LG @manojsinha_ sir held a press conference in Sgr in which he addressed the issues of JKSSB Aspirants.
1.Exam calendar will be published by @jkssbofficial within 10-15 days.
2.JKPSI,JE Results will be declared soon after the hon'able HC orders.
To a query about delay in SSB recruitment,
Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said that in
early exams there were complaints of
irregularities after which a CBI probe was
initiated. "The matter is before the High Court
and once the decision comes, exams will be
held. For fresh posts, exams dates will be
announced within 15 days," the LG said.
Earlier, The Jammu and Kashmir Services
Selection Board (KSSB) postponed
recruitment exams that were scheduled to be
conducted between March 16 and April 5,
2023. The information was shared by the
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board
(KSSB) through its official Twitter handle.
"The Computer Based Examinations for
various posts scheduled w.e.f. 16.03.2023 to
05.04.2023 are deferred till further
intimation," reads Twitter post.